Meeting Recap 9/29
Missed today's meeting? Here's a recap:
Coffee catch up was a huge success this morning! Pirate PTO is well on its way to becoming established now that we have pilot members running for each of the officer positions. Our official vote will be held October 10th at 6pm and the floor will be open to anyone willing to throw their hat in the ring. Good Luck, Candidates :)
In other news:
We are still on track to have our PTO registered as an official non-profit before the end of the first 9 week grading period. Pomona Elementary has provided us an amazing PTO room and we are ready to start planning events! We had suggestions for a Trunk or Treat party, Sock Hop, Winter Auction & an International Night. We are also discussing an Internet Safety night for parents and possible movie nights for all families to attend. Our events committees will need lots of volunteers to make these dreams come true- so let us know if you're interested in helping out!
Club News:
We are so excited to have our Lego robotics club and TedEd club starting this school year. We hope to have more clubs to offer soon- and have received several suggestions for new clubs to start. Spanish Club & Sign Language Club may be ready by the spring- so keep your eyes out for updates on those.
We are working hard, Pirates! Thank you for being a part of our incredible community.